Your Favourite Childhood Book: Day Twenty Four

I think my favourite book from childhood might be any of the Fairy books by Daisy Meadows. I used to spend hours reading the books and loved swapping with friends so that we could read and discuss as many as possible. I also used to enjoy drawing the fairies from the front cover, which I often did when I went to my friend's house. Looking back, these stories were awfully repetitive and had practically the same story every time with a different fairy and a slightly different twist. Even so, these books were a big part of my childhood and loved everything about them at the time.

I also loved 'We're going on a bear hunt' by Michael Rosen when I was bit younger, I can't even begin to think how many times I must have read it. Admittedly, it did used to frighten me but not quite as much as it did my brother. I also got the honour of meeting Michael Rosen in year five after we watched him perform some of his poems. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and ended up getting two of my books signed which was incredible.

What are your favourite childhood books? Do you have any that create particularly strong childhood memories?

Love, Steph x

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