The Best Thing To Happen This Year: Day Twenty Two

The best thing to happen this year so far would have to be passing my driving theory test because it meant I'm one step closer to being able to drive on my own which I'm really excited to do, simply for practicality and ease. Although, I'm not looking forward to all the extra costs like petrol and car care.

If anyone's thinking about learning to drive or is learning to drive and wants some good resources for theory revision, I would recommend the 'Driving Test Success' apps: Hazard Perception, Hazard Perception Volume One, Hazard Perception Volume Two and Theory Test 2015. I found them very helpful and they really helped me prepare for practically all possible questions as I practiced all 900 and something that are on the app. The hazard perception apps helped me practice reacting to hazards quickly and show many of the different hazards that could come up.

Love, Steph x

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