- Chocolate Chip and Banana Cookies: Recently, I have been loving this recipe because it's so easy to make, it's fairly quick and makes delicious cookies... It may not be the healthiest recipe but it tastes bloomin' great!
- Sweet Potato Fries: I love sweet potato fries and have been particularly loving them this month, especially the ones you can get from 'DLicious' at David Lloyd gyms, they taste so good and aren't too bad for you.
- Sally Hanson Natural Nail Growth Revitalizer: My nails have been in terrible condition recently and have been very weak and easily breakable, so I have been using the Sally Hanson Natural Nail Growth Revitalizer which seems to be helping strengthen and improve my nail health. If anyone is having issues with their nails or is simply looking for a product to treat and help your nails, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a go.
- MUA Nail Varnish: Due to my lifestyle (particularly being around horses), if I paint my nails, the varnish soon chips no matter the quality of nail varnish, because of this, I tend not to buy many expensive nail varnishes as it doesn't seem to make much difference in how long it lasts, and the ones I buy are much cheaper. One brand that is of a good, low price and of a decent quality for makeup (I've found), is MUA which is a Superdrug brand. I recently bought 4 different coloured nail varnishes from there and have been giving them all a try and have loved them, they haven't lasted ages before chipping but usually at least a day or two (which is good for me), and they look really nice. I love the colours I picked (very Spring like), I've also found that the overall finish looks really glossy and nice, and each time I've worn one of the colours, I have had several compliments on it. The varnishes are only £1 each and there is a nice range of colours to choose from.
- MUA Lipstick: Whilst purchasing the nail varnishes, I decided to buy a couple of lipsticks of various colours and shades, suitable for Spring and Summer. Usually I am NOT a lipstick person, I much prefer lipgloss which is far easier to apply and top up through out the day where as when I wear lipstick, it seems to need topping up a lot more often than I am prepared to do it. However, I wanted to get into lipsticks a bit more so I bought some from MUA at £1 each (very good price) as I felt that if I didn't use them often, there wouldn't be much economic damage done. Having said that, I have loved the colours and although I haven't worn them much since buying them, I think it has encouraged me to wear lipstick more and I'm looking forward to using them on my holidays and in Spring and Summer.
- Collection Ultimate Fix 3 in 1- Foundation, Concealer and Powder: I often don't feel the need to wear foundation as my skin sometimes doesn't need it so by using it, my face feels a bit heavy but recently, my skin hasn't been great and I've felt like it's needed more coverage than normal so this product has been my savior. It's very light and hard to notice but it improves the coverage a lot and gives a natural, powder finish which I like. It's also really quick and easy to apply so is great for mornings before college when I don't have much time.
- Primark: As you may have seen in my Primark Haul and Lookbook here, I recently went to Primark and purchased a number of clothes and accessories for Spring, Summer and my Holiday. I think the price for everything I got was very reasonable and it has helped my stock up and update my wardrobe for the upcoming months,which makes me happy and excited.
- 94%: I've been loving this game at the moment, it has a similar concept to Family Fortunes and is fun to play when you're alone and killing time, just relaxing or to do with friends.
- Gym: Recently I have been enjoying going to the gym, not necessarily going or doing all the exercises, but I tend to enjoy the feeling of doing something worthwhile, and the way I feel after even if that's aching or exhaustion!
- Pretty Little Liars: I know I bang on about this, but it is such a good show and given the season finale shown this month, I couldn't not put this in (again!)
- 'Title' by Meghan Trainor: I mentioned this album in my last favourites (here) but I have been loving it so much this past month as well that I had to put this in this month's favourites too! I love listening to the album whatever mood I'm in and has become my go-to album when I don't know what I feel like listening to. I love some of the lyrics (not all) but I think some are very powerful and have a good message.
What did you love last month? Let me know in the comments!
Love, Steph x
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