Hiya, sorry I didn't upload a post at the weekend, my exam period has now started which means most of my time is spent revising and therefore, I don't have much time to write, edit and upload blog posts. However, I will do my best to upload as regularly as I can for the next month or so until they're out the way, but if my posts go MIA, you'll know why.
Anyway, today I thought I'd do a 'Day in the Life' style blog post and basically just ramble and fangirl about my evening at The Vamps concert last night, which if you follow me on
twitter, you will probably have seen me tweet about it (many times!)

As you probably know from past blog posts, my favourite band are Union J, but I'm not sure if I've mentioned before (probably have) that The Vamps are a very close second along with a couple of others including 5SOS (information that may seem more relevant later on). When I heard Union J were going on tour with The Vamps, well... it was an offer I wasn't going to refuse, so I booked to go with my friend Jess, who is an even bigger fan of The Vamps than me, and our mums. We were excited for the evening for months before hand and it frequently popped up in conversation.
I started the evening meeting my mum after college and work and going to TGIFridays (one of my favourite restaurants) for a meal before the show. We then met our friends outside the arena and headed on in. As always, it was manic getting from the doors to your seat due to the mass number of people moving in all directions, but when we reached our seat, we were very happy with where we were sat, as we had a good view of the whole stage and were quite close.

First of all Luke Friend performed 'Hole in my Heart' with a slight mash up of 'Fix You' by Coldplay, which I really enjoyed as I thought his voice sounded great and had a sort of husky tone to it which I like, although, I was a little disappointed that he didn't sing any more songs but looking back I'm glad as it meant there was more time for the other support acts *cough* Union J *cough*.
The Tide came on next and while I liked their music and performance, it was probably my least favourite of the night but considering that night consisted of Union J and The Vamps, it's hardly surprising! But, they did do a very good performance, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from them.

Then it was time for my favourites and the act I was most excited for (sorry The Vamps, I do love you a lot too but just not quite as much). I love all of their songs but I was
so happy that they did my absolute favourites off of their new album which were Central Park, I Can't Make You Love Me, All About A Girl and You Got It All (They also performed Carry You acoustic, Tonight We Live Forever and an acapella version of Amnesia by 5SOS, (told you that random information would come in handy later) which sounded
amazing. I had so much fun the whole time they performed and was so emotional and excited that I was convinced my legs were going to collapse under me as they were shaking so much, but luckily they didn't and I made it through the set. I won't ramble on too much more about how incredibly perfect they were, other than to say that they sounded insane, particularly Jaymi when he killed the high notes... he has one hell of a voice!

Last but not least, The Vamps! Oh My Gosh, they smashed it and had me singing and dancing along from the word go. They started and ended with a bang and continued that success and excitement throughout the whole performance. There was so much energy on stage which was also echoed throughout the crowd, and I along with Jess, had so much fun singing along to all of their songs, waving our phone torches, clapping and whatever else we did (it's kind of a bit of a blur after all the excitement and emotion). It blows me away how talented they are, not just as singers but also as musicians, particularly Brad who played the guitar, drums
and piano through out the show, all of which sounded spectacular. I also loved seeing how happy it made Jess to see her favourite band perform live, and have so much fun doing so.
It was a wonderful evening and one I will remember for a long time. Thanks for coming with me Jess :)
Thank you for reading this post, let me know what you think of this 'Day in the Life' style post in the comments. I'd also love to read some of your concert or music experiences/loves. Good luck to anyone with exams coming up! I hope you have a lovely week.
Thanks for reading.
Love, Steph x
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