I want to start by saying a huge well done to everybody that completed their A levels this year, and that worked really hard to get the grade they did, whether they're happy with it or not. If you tried your best and put in the effort, you deserve congratulating whatever the outcome was because A levels are bloomin' hard so to work through them and get to results day, you should be proud.
Having said that I know that quite a few people weren't happy with their results, whether that's because they thought they'd done better, they messed up the exam, or they tried really hard and just couldn't quite reach the grade they needed to continue with the course or to get into their first choice university. To all of those people, I just want to reassure them that it's okay, whilst it can seem horrible at first, if you look at it with a fresh pair of eyes, you might be able to see that there are other ways around it and other routes you can go down.
I was once told: 'you don't always have to go from A to B in a straight line, sticking to the same, expected path; if things go wrong, you can go back, you can take another route or you can chose a different destination and whichever path you go down, you can still reach your outcome, it just might take a little bit longer.' This was something that stuck with me and whenever something doesn't quite go as I expect it to or isn't as I'd hoped, I think back to this and know that my goal is still reachable.
If you find that you've got to resit a year, redo a course, go to a different university, or go down a different route all together, try to remember that it will all work out and you can still reach your final destination, whether that's a long term one or a short term one.
I hope you're happy with your results and if you're not, I hope you're happy or comfortable with whatever step you have to take next. Well done for completing the year and good luck with your next few steps.
Love, Steph x
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