Maybelline Lash Sensational and L'Oreal False Lash Superstar Mascara- I have put these two products together as although I love them both individually, this month, I have really loved using the two of them together to create even longer, more volumised and full lashes. I usually start by applying the L'Oreal Mascara and finish with Lash Sensational.
L'Oreal Superstar Superliner- I am in love with this eyeliner, it's honestly so easy to use and lasts really well. You can create a small line and flick or build it up to create a bolder look.
Maybelline Colour Drama Intense Velvet Lip Pencils- I mentioned these in last months favourites but they had to be featured in here as well as they are unbelievably good lip products. They not only look amazing on, but are easy to apply both as a liner or (my preferred method) all over the lips and they last so much longer than anything else I've tried.
The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester and Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg- I've put these two books together as I'm not going to talk about them much in this post because I did a book review on the two of them a few days ago, so you can check that out here if you missed it.
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here- Another thing that I featured in my November Favourites but as it finished in December, I wanted to put it in here too. I really enjoyed this series so much more than the other series and that's saying a lot as I've loved them a lot too. I particularly enjoyed it after Lady C and Chris left as I really enjoyed watching the remaining campmates. I was so happy with the final three and although George was my favourite to win, I was right in thinking Vicky would take the crown and I felt like any of the three would have been worthy winners.
Hello Katy- I've really been enjoying Katy's videos recently. She uploads a lot of chatty vlogs and there are so many points she brings up that I feel like I can really relate to which often helps make me feel a bit better about something or like it's okay for certain things to make me feel the way I do.
IIsuperwomanII- I've been subscribed to Lilly's channel for a while now but last month my love for her videos spiraled and I found myself binge watching so many of her old videos. I find her videos and personality so funny and addictive and for anyone that hasn't watched any of her videos... why the heck not?
24 Days of Zoella and Vlogmas- This month I have thoroughly enjoyed having a new Zoella video to watch every single night as well as a new vlog from her and several other people. You can really tell how much time and effort she put into both the main channel videos and the vlogs! My personal favourite 24 Days of Zoella videos have been her collabs which have all been hilarious but I can't pick just one favourite. My other favourite Vlogmas videos have been Louise and Gabby's but I have also tuned into a couple of others just not every day.
Personal Trainer Sessions- This month my mum and I had a couple of personal training sessions (one a week) as part of a deal we bought and although they were all extremely difficult as each one involved activities we'd not tried before and pushed us to our absolute limit, they were fun to do and made us feel like we'd really worked hard afterwards.
University Offers- This month I also received my final offers for university and was so so happy with them, especially because I received an unconditional offer for my first choice course and university which has made me extremely excited to embark on my uni adventure next year.
Blogger Candy- As you may have noticed, I recently updated my blog's appearance and the beautiful design I chose to use was one I found on bloggercandy's blog which was among a number of other gorgeous blog templates. As much as I loved the old design, I wanted to give my blog a makeover as we head into 2016 and for my second year as a blogger.
Paperweights- As a child, one of my fondest memories of my grandad is looking at his paperweight collection and for years I always use to look at them, wishing I could have such a beautiful collection, I don't know why they fascinated me so much but I loved everything about them. I lost my grandad about 3 years ago now and as my grandma is moving house she asked if there was anything I wanted which was when I asked if I could pick a paperweight to keep. I now have two sitting proudly on display in my room, not only looking pretty but also reminding me of my grandad whenever I see them.
Thank you for reading this post, let me know what you thought in the comments and if you enjoyed it, why not subscribe to be notified when I upload a new post?
Love, Steph x
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