2. What is the most important part of your life?
My family and friends!
3. What would you rather be doing?
Reading a book in the sun by the pool on holiday or shopping (for anything but especially homeware shopping) if I had money to spend.
4. What did you last cry over?
A build up of stress and upset over several things.
5. What always makes you feel better when you're upset?
If it's a slightly more long term feeling then exercising at the gym as it always clears my mind even if it's just temporarily. If it's a bad day or bad couple of hours then probably YouTube as I never feel like I have the energy to sit and read or write much when I don't feel great whereas YouTube is a quick burst of entertainment that I don't have to think much about.
6. What's the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
Probably a good sense of humour because I love to laugh and I laugh a lot so I'd like to be able to share that with someone else rather than feeling like an idiot for my random outbursts of laughter.
7. What are you worried about?
The amount of work I have to do, sorting out a holiday, university accommodation (sorting it out and the possibility of not getting the one I would like most), starting university in a completely new city with new people (I know it's not until September but I'm starting to think about it more at the moment and whilst excitement is the significant emotion related to it, there is an element of worry there)... there are several other things as well but these are the main ones and if I were to mention everything, it would be a very long post.
8. What did you have for breakfast?
Special K and Fruit with Yoghurt.
Love, Steph x
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