I'm a feminist because I believe women should have as much of a right to education as men.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should be paid equally to men for doing the same job.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should be able to act or dress the way they want without being afraid of judgement or harassment.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should be portrayed as people rather than sex objects both in the media and reality.
I'm a feminist because I believe a woman should wear what they feel comfortable in not what society depicts as 'covered up enough'.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should be free to decide what happens to their bodies.
I'm a feminist because I believe there are too many pressures to look a certain way- beauty should be celebrated rather than any flaws (based on personal opinion) pointed out.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should have an equal say to men.
I'm a feminist because I believe a woman should be listened to and not have her opinion disregarded simply because of her gender.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should have as much free choice as men.
I'm a feminist because I believe women should have the same or equal opportunities to men.
I'm a feminist because I believe a woman's job should be seen as as important to a man's.
I'm a feminist because I believe women are as important as men.
I'm a feminist because I believe men and women are equal.
I'm a feminist because I believe that gender shouldn't decide someone's value.
#OneDayIWill live in a world where all of these beliefs are shared and applied to all aspects of life.
There are so many other reasons I am a feminist but these are some of the most important ones to me. If you support gender equality then you support the views and aims of a feminist whether you consider yourself one or not. Too many people see feminism as the power of women over men rather than the two considered equals. Just because the word contains 'fem' doesn't mean a man can't identify as a feminist. I hope this has helped you see why gender equality is so important and possibly consider a few things you haven't yet thought about.
There are so many incredible, inspiring women who have achieved some wonderful things, whether that's globally, nationally, locally or personally, all are important achievements that should be celebrated every day and especially today. To celebrate International Women's Day share your #OneDayIWill.
Thank you for reading this post, let me know what you thought in the comments and if you enjoyed it, why not subscribe to be notified when I upload a new post?
Love, Steph x
Thank you. I've just had a read of your post and loved it, it's so important not to overlook the small differences which I was pleased to see you'd highlighted. I'm thinking of doing another post on feminism in the near future expressing smaller ways it affects my life too! Happy International Women's Day! x