Oh La La- As it has turned to Spring, I've found myself regularly reaching for my Spring/Summer scent: Oh La La by Agatha De Riuz as it reminds me a lot of holidays which makes me very happy to wear it.
Infallible Primer- Whilst I think this product makes my makeup last longer, I don't think it really makes THAT much difference to it's longevity but it definitely works better than other primers I have tried. However, it does make my makeup apply more evenly and nicely and definitely helps to mattify my foundation.
Clinique Creamy Nude- I think this might be my first lipstick to feature in a monthly favourites as I tend to prefer lipgloss, tinted lipbalm or the Maybelline Velvet Lip Crayons but surprisingly, I have been reaching for this nude shade a lot recently. I wore it in my first look in the Spring Lookbook that I uploaded last weekend as well as both before and after then- it has been my go to lip product. I think it works really nicely with the Maybelline Velvet Lip Pencil in Nude Perfection and generally just adds a subtle but lovely finish to a makeup look.
How I Met Your Mother- I spent the majority of my free time in February watching How I Met Your Mother from start to finish and thoroughly enjoyed it. Whilst there are a lot of similarities to Friends, I love them both and have become more of a fan of HIMYM since watching it this month. Without giving anything away for anyone who hasn't see it, season 9 was even more emotional this time, having grown attached to the characters and becoming invested in their storylines more so than when I had watched a few episodes in a random order.
The Big Bang Theory- After spending a great deal of February watching How I Met Your mother, I spent the first two weeks of March watching The Big Bang Theory (the first 8 seasons that are available on Netflix) and loved it. I've been a fan of the show for a couple of years but I thought it was about time I watched it all the way through and I'm so glad I did. I find the sarcasm and overall humour thoroughly entertaining and enjoy watching the characters and storylines in general. I'm also enjoying the episodes currently being aired and look forward to the rest of this season.
Jack Whitehall's Tour DVDs- I've never really been the biggest fan of Jack Whitehall (not that I didn't like him just not a massive fan) but when I was looking for a comedy to watch on Netflix, I stumbled across his two Tour DVDs and thought I'd have a little watch. I'm so glad I did as they were both extremely entertaining and hilarious to watch, particularly the 2015 one which I loved the ending to. If you enjoy watching comedians, I highly recommend checking him out.

No and Watch Me Do by Meghan Trainor-As you may recall, Meghan's last album featured a lot in my monthly favourites last year and I have a feeling the new one could do again this year. The first two singles from her album are brilliant for their catchy tune and empowering lyrics and if the rest of the album has a similar vibe I'll be very happy (although there hasn't been a song of hers that I haven't liked so far although I haven't liked a few of lyrics in some of them).
Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande- The first single from Ariana's upcoming album is fabulous. I've listened to this song so many times and every time (when I'm alone) I try (and fail) to hit the high notes. She has an incredible voice and this track really showcases that.
Best Fake Smile by James Bay- I'm not sure what it is about this track that I love so much but to me this just fits everything I love about music into one song. I love the lyrics, the music, the vocals... it's all incredible.
Family- Of course, family are always a favourite as they are one of the most important things in my life but I wanted to include them in this month's favourites as I have had quite a few family members stay over as well as pretty much all of those on my mum's side coming for the afternoon/evening which was lovely to be able to spend time with them and to see my second cousins (8 under 8) playing together.
You- I don't say this enough but I love everyone who reads my blog whether that;s regularly, the odd post, long term or a newbie, I love you all and really appreciate when you leave me nice comments or show any signs of support from reading to following to commenting and so on- it always puts a smile on my face. I also want to say hello and welcome to any new readers, I hope you enjoy what you find on here. If anyone ever has any comments or suggestions for posts or the blog overall, I'm interested to hear them. If you ever just fancy a chat and want to leave a comment that's also great, I love discovering new readers and then often new blogs as a result.
Thank you for reading this post, let me know what you thought in the comments and if you enjoyed it, why not subscribe to be notified when I upload a new post?
Love, Steph x
Awesome, I'll have a read of it now. I'm glad you liked them, I tried to pick something more unusual. :) x